Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wookie Onion has been in our family for 1 yr.

Sorry it is a day late but I have good reason. I have been sick. Wow who would have thought that we have had dear ol Wookie Onion for 1 whole year. Wookie has been very entertaining to say the least. He barks at us for no reason. Pees on people when they come in (well not everyone just a few selected people.) Follows Tommy around everywhere. And vomits for no reason. But we love him in spite of his flaws. Yup that is good ol Wookie Onion. He isn't so little anymore. Check him out when we got him here .

Friday, October 16, 2009

Poor Poor Paisley...

Poor little Paisley. She just can't cut a break. She is all healed up from her eye surgery and now she has decided to cut not only her 3rd tooth, but her 4th also. She has been a real joy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Comments are working.

Since I moved over to blogger I have been having issues with the comments. Basically there were none. So yesterday I finally figured it out. YEAH...they are finally up and working...I am probably the only one excited about it but hey why not.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Evan update.

Wow I can't leave him out. I just don't have any pictures.
Evan has been pretty busy with school. Tommy and I have been so pleased with the school that he is attending this year. I was pretty concerned since it was a school district that I didn't like. But I can honestly say he is thriving and I am so pleased with what he is learning every day. He amazes me with what he is learning.
The other day he came home and was telling us about the presidents. A 1st grader telling me what presidents are which one. CRAZY. He is counting to infinity. He is reading well above his other classmates. He is just thriving. He got his 1st interim report and did great. The only thing we need to work on is his handwriting. Other than that no complaints . His teacher said he is excelling. I am to thrilled with him.
Evan is no longer in his Karate class he didn't like it due to the fact he couldn't fight people. We tried to explain this to him before hand but he didn't get it. We are now considering putting him in some kind of music lessons. He asked for drum lessons yesterday I told him he had to be 15 for that one. I would love for him to play the violin but looks like guitar is what he wants. That is ok to. As long as he finds something that he loves.

Scarlett update

Scarlett has been a busy little girl.
She started dance a few weeks ago. We switched dance schools this year. We loved the one that we were at but this one is a tad bit closer and we can have her in 2 classes for about $7 more than the 1 class last year.
This year she is taking Tap and Ballet. She loves it. The first week of class she was a little resistant to do tap. We try very hard to keep her from stomping her feet. It was hard to get her to understand that this was alloud in Tap class. She understands now and is having a blast. They are doing the tap to the Disney Mania. So the music is right up her ally.
Scarlett has always loved ballet. She is just a natural at it. She walks on her tippies all the time so it just comes natural. They are teaching her the correct techniques to do and the correct words for it. She is just having a blast with dance. I am so glad that we have found her passion at least for now.

School on the other hand has been a bigger challenge. She wasn't doing well getting up that early and every day she went was a huge battle. Last Tuesday was the breaking point. She was throwing a fit when I put her in the car and then Tommy took her and she refused to get out of the car for him holding onto the door screaming. We decided at that poin when Tommy brought her back home that it wasn't worth it. So Scarlett is no longer in school and she will be getting her preschool from yours truely. She is doing really well. She has been having problems writing her name. But she finally has it down today. She kept forgeting the A in her name but now I have tons of papers that she has writen me today showing me that she knows how to correctly write her name and she is all to proud of her self as she should be.

Paisley update

Sorry it has been a little on the crazy side here. Paisley has been a tad bit fussy. Between cutting teeth, diarrhea, and tear duct surgery not much time for blogging here.
Paisley had her tear ducts opened on Friday. She had to have this done due to the fact that her tear ducts were completely closed. The Dr told me that this is hereditary. I had it. Evan had it (his opened on it's own) Scarlett had it (surgery for her) and now Paisley. She did very well. She was very fussy on Friday from it and her eyes were bleeding all day long. Yesterday it was a little better and today a little better than yesterday. Hopefully all the issues will be gone soon and she will be a happy little camper again.
The good news is that since it is hereditary and the chances of the next one having it as soon as I notice it I can call the eye dr and get it done ASAP. That way we don't have to wait the 6 months of dealing with her gross eyes.
Here are her before (the reason for the surgery) and then today. As you can tell it isn't all cleared up but much better.